This is the first real post and I'm already out of order.
But you need to hear this story to understand the sarcasm and humor you will read later on.
In Andrew's early teens, he took to listening to gangster rap. I'm not sure that's the correct term. But everyone will know what I'm talking about.
With the music came the nickname A-Dogg. It also came with sagging pants, boxers hanging over the top, wife beaters (the shirts, not the men) and his hat cocked sideways. He was an Eminem wanna be. At one point he seriously thought he was going to grow up and be a famous white rapper. So you sort of have to picture my handsome blue eyed, blond, size 34 pant boy, wearing size 48 jeans, a wife beater and a straight billed hat leaning partially to the side. Do ya have that image in your head? Good.
Why he chose this music, is beyond me. His dad and I were both head bangers. When I was pregnant I put headphones on my stomach and played him Ozzy Osborne. Besides the Walk This Way video with Run DMC, he was raised on rock.
Now you need to know that I cried for 4 years straight. Oh woe is me. what will I do with this kid? What will become of him if he doesn't get on the right path. What did I do wrong. wah wah wah..
My friends listened to me piss and moan and whine about detentions, suspensions, expulsions, choice of music and clothes. I can't say for sure, but I think I talked about nothing else. As you read later posts about things that happened, you might understand that a little more.
On one particular day Andrew's Aunt Dana (one of my best friends) calls me in the middle of crying spell. She was laughing her ass off. I could tell she was crying because she was laughing so hard.
And she says "Why didn't you tell me Andrew was in a movie?". HUH?
Through the laughter she says she had just seen a preview for a new movie coming out.
She couldn't remember the name of it, but she was sure A-Dogg was the main character.
It was one of those "guess you had to be there" things.
I listened, shrugged her off and hung up.
A couple weeks later I was flipping channels and I saw it.
I burst out laughing and couldn't stop.. I couldn't wait to call Dana.. I could barely dial the phone, I was laughing so hard.
She answered - I said "omg, you're right, my kid is famous".
Bet you wanna know what movie it was..
Malibu's Most Wanted. A Jamie Kennedy movie about an Eminem wanna be teenager, whose father hires two actors to kidnap him and "scare the black out of him".
If you haven't seen this movie, I urge you to rent it. This entire blog will make much more sense if you do.
It was at that moment that I decided to stop crying. I was determined to find something funny in everything that happened. This was the greatest choice I could make in the situation.
So every time a teacher would call, or the police would ring my doorbell, I listened, I processed, I discussed, and when all the proper steps were taken, I laughed. I will point some of these times out to you as I write..
And if I couldn't find anything to laugh about, I called Dana and repeated the events to her. Between the two of us we could always find something. Even if was just something little.
Admittedly, I did not completely stop crying. Sometimes the exhaustion still overcame me and I'd have a good cry. And sometimes I even laughed through the tears.
This is where there might be some judgement. You will read my posts and think to yourself "there is not one thing funny about that". But you have to understand that this was my survival technique.
And without it, who knows where we would be right now.
I had to tell you this story out of sequence due to the nature of my writing style.
I'm abrasive and sarcastic (at least that what I was labeled in a job review a couple years ago).
The next post (not tonight) we'll start the journey from the beginning.
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